Meli Melo Take Out
Meli Melo Take Out
Complexe Commercial Kayla, Delmas 35
Cette année Meli-Melo vous apporte les Mousquetaires. Quatre différents types de pâtés, l'un savoureux que l'autre. Nous avons le pâté typique local hareng, oeuf et hot-dog, pour enchaîner avec le pâté poulet super crémeux, ensuite le pâté viande, riche et appétissant et aussi le pâté vegetarian, crémeux et leger aux épices indiennes.
This year, Meli-Melo brings you " The Musketeers " We are presenting four different " patties" One even more delicious than the other ...We have the first one who has a Haitian local twist with hareng, hot-dogs and boiled eggs, to continue with, we have the chicken version witch is creamy to die for.... On 3rd position we have the famous beef Pattie , super rich in flavors, last but not least for all of our vegetarian clientele, we came up with a selection of Indian spice recipe to make you enjoy even better in just your first bite.